'This light comedy for radio by Charles Porter tells of a young Australian whose practical jokes are designed to prick the bubble of pretence "to show how foolish it is to admire a man for what he seems to hold in the world and not for what he really is," Unfortunately his father, sometimes the victim of these practical jokes, cannot be persuaded to accept them at their true moral value, and throws the nonchalant Roger out of the family home "until he returns to his senses." And the comedy in its flippant way, sketches in with dry pencil lines Roger's subsequent adventures as a tramp and as a very unconventional suitor, for the hand of a squatter's daughter.'
'A.B.C. Alternative Programme', Border Watch, 25 August 1942, p.6. (Blurb refers to a later broadcast.)
First broadcast 4 August 1939: the play was first broadcast at 3:45pm, and then repeated at 5pm.