Melancholy Accident - About two o'clock yesterday afternoon, Mr. Cedoze [sic], supercargo of the Cacique, from Singapore was ... crossing the tram-way laid down for the conveyance of waggons loaded with metal and rubbish from the government domain for the Franklin Wharf when a waggon was coming down at full speed. The person stationed there to prevent passengers crossing at such a time called out to him to stop, as did also Mr Henry, Superintendent of the party. Being a stranger, the young man appeared to be confused and undecided, apparently not knowing what he was cautioned to avoid. The waggon struck him ... breaking his thigh in three places, and otherwise severely injuring him. He was conveyed in a very dangerous state to Dr. Bright's Dispensary. [Hobart Town Courier, 20th June 1849, p3.]