Turning 2000 single work   poetry   "All night the world danced and shouted,"
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... 2000 Turning 2000
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Come Gently : Anthology of Poems A. C. Webb (editor), Townsville : North Queensland Conservation Council , 2000 Z1290035 2000 anthology poetry

    "For the not so pedantic, the new millennium is now upon us.

    It is a time to reflect upon lesson learned

    And those still to be learned.

    A time to be thankful for "ordinary, everyday miracles"

    Such as a surprise, clean air and water and

    The wonderful myriad of life that we share this planet with.

    These things are rapidly disapplearing

    Even the sunrise

    In the smog bound metropolis,

    Has become unfamiliar - a stranger

    All of these ordinary things

    Are the very stuff upon which the human species

    Ultimately depends.

    Now, more than ever

    At the beginning of the 21st century

    The voices for the environment need to be heard. 

    The book contains some of those voices." (Source: Back cover)

    Townsville : North Queensland Conservation Council , 2000
    pg. 27
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