y separately published work icon Mangrove periodical issue  
Alternative title: Sweet
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... no. 2 16 June 1999 of Mangrove est. 1999 Mangrove
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* Contents derived from the , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Stungi"When he was a young man", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry
Note: Epigraph: Now I am milkweed silk, the bees/ will not notice./ They will not smell my fear, my/ fear, my fear. Sylvia Plath
Easteri"The red panacum sweats", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry
Wasp Factoryi"The wasps hovered about the clothesline", B. R. Dionysius , single work poetry
Note: First Line: I tell my daughter as I tuck her in
Dingoes, Audrey Evans , extract prose


Sweetwater, Hugh Martin , extract novel
Nancy, Gina Dow , single work prose
Kosovoi"Ethnic cleansing", Komninos Zervos , single work poetry
Sweetlipsi"She's staring at me with these eyes,", Ffion Murphy , single work poetry
First Love, Ffion Murphy , single work prose
The Closed Signi"A dark brown eye stretches out.", Meera Anne Atkinson , single work poetry
This Is Not My Dreami"You are gone,", Meera Anne Atkinson , single work poetry
The Parting Songi"You appear behind my eyes...", Meera Anne Atkinson , single work poetry
Keeping It Sweet, Mary Tucker , single work prose
At Fivei"a threepence just right", Liz Hall-Downs , single work poetry
Women's Issues, Sue Bond , single work short story satire
Livin' Doll, Sue Bond , single work short story
Reunion - Class of '49, Anne-Maree Rolley , single work short story
A Girl's Horse Storyi"you're a horse, I've decided", Lesley Singh , single work poetry