The story concerns a peasant girl named Cazille who is in love with a young man of her social station. Tension arises, however, when Cazille's foster-mother arranges for a wealthy, but much older, miller to be her future husband. When the miller overhears a conversation between Cazille and her young suitor he realises that he has no hope of securing her affection and hatches a plan to blow up the boat the lovers intend using to elope. The plan is foiled by some boatmen, and his treachery is discovered, allowing Cazille and her sweetheart to eventually marry.
Eric Irvin writes in his paper on 'Nineteenth Century English Dramatists in Australia' (q.v.) that Cazille was 'little worse but certainly no better than the average opera libretto of the period' and that while 'the story was melodrama at its most unconvincing... perhaps the music, as it does in so many operas, was able to rise above it' (p28).
1872 : Masonic Hall, Sydney ; 8 April. Music Dir. Carl Schmitt. - Cast incl. Andrew Fairfax, Miss James, Mrs Conduit, Miss Maud, G. F. Jackson, M. Younger, E. A. Roper.
This entry has been sourced from on-going historical research into Australian-written music theatre being conducted by Dr Clay Djubal.
Details have also been derived in part from Annotated Calendar of Plays Premiered in Australia: 1870-1890 (q.v.).