'As usual Stiffy (Mr Nat Phillips) plays an important part in the success of [this] production,' writes the Brisbane Courier theatre critic:
'Everything he does has a quaintly original touch, and his humour never flags. The "buying of the business" by Stiffy and 'Erb leads to a host of amusing situations, and many weird and wonderful business deals are finalized - always to the discomfiture of the gullible Stiffy. His efforts to recoup himself invariably ended in further monetary loses, in which the ethics of true business were not always rigidly observed. Woven into the revue are many colourful ballets which are daintily executed by as bright a bevy of girls as ever stepped [on] a stage' (31 January 1927, p.18).
One of the songs incorporated in the revusical was 'Maggie Dooly' (sung by Daisy Merritt).
1927: Empire Theatre, Brisbane, 29 January - 4 February.