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Includes "The Jews", reviews of The Jew of Today by Sidney Dark, Hector Bolitho's Twelve Jews, Stone's The German Family and The Oppermanns by Lion Feuchtwanger.
* Contents derived from the 1934 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Editors note: Mrs. Palmer draws attention to an important travel book by an Australian, reviews a South African novel, Professor Cowling's Essays in English, some Centenary School Books, and an Adventure Story Amongst the Australian Buffaloes.
Editor's Note: Abridgement of a paper by Mr. C. R. Long (President of the Gordon Memorial Committee, Melbourne), read before the Australian Literature Society. A brief account of how it came about that a bust of Adam Lindsay Gordon is to be given a place in the Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey. The Duke of York is to unveil the bust on 11th May at 12 o'clock noon.
(p. 77)
Note: The editor has appended a report about the impending unveiling from the London Observer to this piece.