The Brisbane Courier records that Stiffy and Mo appear in this revusical as a Yiddish 'deadbeat and his deadbest friend... equipped with an extremely clever and funny make-up, they gave a delightful impersonation of the affectations popularly attributed to members of the English nobility, while their sudden and unexpected relapse into their own identity caused many a hearty laugh' (20 June 1921, p.4). The 1927 version of The Lords is said to have included within the general story line a sketch called the 'The Eternal Triangle', along with another sketch described as the 'telephone scene' (Just It 18 August 1927, p.28).
A review of the 1926 Whirligig company version (Empire Theatre, Brisbane) records that 'In the amusing revuette, The Lords, Stiffy and 'Erb masquerade as two members of the House of Lords and their adventures on the seashore with a bevy of charming maidens provided a wide field of humour' (Brisbane Courier 6 December 1926, p.15). The other characters included Willie (played by Dan Weldon), the little son of the irascible Major Porter (Dan Dunbar), and a ne'er to well (Eric Masters).
For the 1925 Bijou Theatre production, Phillips included such songs as 'Old Irish Mother' and 'Lazy Daisies.' Songs incorporated into the 1927 production included 'All's Well that Ends Well' and 'Here I Am' (both sung by Amy Rochelle).
The 1922 production was described in the Theatre magazine as 'mere padding', with much of Phillips's and Rene's work supposedly 'a repetition of the antics indulged in by them during the recent run of Dick Whittington' (May 1922, p.19).
1918: Empire Theatre, Brisbane, 3-9 August.
1920: Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, 19-25 June.
1921: Empire Theatre, Brisbane, 18-24 June.
1922: Fullers Theatre, Sydney, ca. April.
1924: Fullers Theatre, Sydney, 13-19 September.
1925: Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, 21-27 February.
1925: Majestic Theatre, Adelaide; 4-10 July.
1926: Empire Theatre, Brisbane, 4-10 December
1927: Fullers' Theatre, Sydney, 13-26 August.
1927: Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, 29 October - 4 November.