Intimate revue.
Following the success of Yes Please!, producer William Orr again paired Gordon Chater and Jill Perryman to head the cast of his Phillip Street revue company. Including more than thirty songs, At it Again continued the company's tradition of satirising contemporary issues and people. As the programme notes suggest, 'no cow is too sacred, [and] no office too high to escape their darts of humour' (p.5). Headed by John McKellar, the writers poked fun at the Federal Government ('The Pirates of Canberra'), the Prince of Wales, Bobby Limb, bridge tolls, and the future of the Opera House. Gordon Chater's sketches were amongst the wittiest and sharpest, notably his migrant sketch 'New Boy' (written by McKellar) and 'Operation Pinprick'.
The program comprised:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Lyrics by John McKellar, Melvyn Morrow, Ray Taylor, Julian Moore, Clint Smith, Monty Norman.
Music by Dot Mendoza, James Wallett, Joan Page, David Heneker. Additional songs by Murray Grand (USA) included 'I was Beautiful', 'Not a Moment Too Soon', 'I Always Say Hello to a Flower', and 'Sodom and Gomorrah Twist'.
1962: Phillip Theatre, Sydney, 28 March - 30 June.