y separately published work icon Griffith Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: The Next Big Thing
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... no. 13 Spring 2006 of Griffith Review est. 2003- Griffith Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Lola the Vamp, Meghann Montgomery , single work autobiography (p. Online Only)
Halfway Through the Days of Our Lives, Kimberley Starr , single work autobiography (p. 39-48)
Tactics, Karen Hitchcock , single work short story humour (p. 57-61)
Ain't No Ordinary Ham No Ordinary Ham, Will Elliott , single work short story humour (p. 101-105)
Lowlife, Stephen Smith , single work short story (p. 117-123)
Indelible Ink, Fiona McGregor , extract novel (p. 132-138)
Soliloquy for One Dead, James Phelan , single work short story (p. 153-159)
Requiem, Shane Strange , single work short story (p. 173-176)
Flinch, David Sornig , single work short story (p. 179-188)
Every Two Seconds, Chris Fontana , single work short story (p. 189-194)
Mending a Broken Link, Tara June Winch , single work autobiography (p. 205-208)
Confusions of an Economist's Daughter, Eve Vincent , single work autobiography (p. 209-219)
These Are Wobbly Daysi"Churchill said Laugh! when London got bombed", Anna Krien , single work poetry (p. 220-222)
Mac Attack, Sally Breen , single work autobiography (p. 235-240)
Just Passing Through, Kelly Chandler , single work autobiography (p. 243-249)
Lopping Tall Poppies, Ryan Heath , single work autobiography (p. 250-254)
Developing a Rimbaud Complex, Matthew Lowe , single work autobiography (p. 263-266)
The Last Time I Saw Grant, Andrew Stafford , single work biography (p. 269-274)
Ring-In Stitches Up Emily's Ghostwriter Emily, Daniel Wynne , single work short story humour (p. 284-286)
Publish and Grow, Rachel Funari , single work autobiography