y separately published work icon The Weekend Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 10-11 June 2006 of The Australian est. 1964 The Weekend Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Untitled, John Tranter , single work correspondence
Tranter corrects a statement made by Frank Moorhouse in 'A Nation of Scribblers' that the literary magazine Jacket received funding from the Literature Board of the Australia Council. Tranter says that Jacket has never received such funding.
(p. 2) Section: Review
Untitled, Laurie Hergenhan , single work correspondence (p. 2) Section: Review
Untitled, Dorothy O'Neill , single work correspondence
Rosemary O'Neill counters an assertion by Jane Fraser (Weekend Australian, 27-28 May 2006) in relation to retirement. O'Neill says that 'retirees today have more opportunities for creativity and growth than ever.' She supports her argument by citing her own creative writing group comprising people in their 80s and 90s.
(p. 2) Section: Review
Malouf Classic with Some New Twists, single work column (p. 4) Section: Brisbane Festival Lift-Out
Heer to Stay, Sandy George , single work biography (p. 4-5) Section: Review
Note: port. (Rolf de Heer)
The Forks in the Draweri"The forks in the drawer", Shelley O'Reilly , single work poetry (p. 6) Section: Review
Memories of Cuba, Justine Ferrari , single work review
— Review of Child of the Revolution : Growing Up in Castro's Cuba Luis M. Garcia , 2006 single work autobiography ;
(p. 6) Section: Review
Ten Canoes Takes Us for a Great Ride, David Stratton , single work review
— Review of Ten Canoes Rolf De Heer , 2006 single work film/TV ;
(p. 9)
An Ethical Survivor, Jill Rowbotham , single work review
— Review of Beyond the Boundary : A Memoir Exploring Ethics, Politics and Spirituality Noel Preston , 2006 single work autobiography ;
(p. 10) Section: Review
Torrens Bellsi"Deep in her pram", Peter Rose , single work poetry (p. 13) Section: Review
Being a Bunny's Only Half the Story, Phil Brown , single work review
— Review of Billy's Tree Nicholas Kyriacos , 2006 single work novel ;
(p. 14) Section: Review