The story begins in the 'Enchanted Land of Refulgent Delight where Ethelinda is in durance vile, and the Green Wizard expresses himself in very strong language about Baron Munchausen, who is endeavouring to obtain her release'.
Several extraordinary events [then] take place, such as the Baron being fired out of a cannon, his horse appearing at the top of a steeple, a flying pig appearing on the stage, and other monstrosities too numerous to mention. The Baron is just about achieving his objective when the Wizard prevents him, and of course the Fairy appears and the fun of the evening commences (Bell's Life in Victoria 2 January 1858, p.2).
The chief scenes in the Harlequinade were the Cremorne Gardens (which included a galop dance), the 'Free Trade Hotel', and 'Saltern's Haircutting Salon'.
1857: Montezuma Theatre, Ballarat, 26 December 1857 - ca. January 1858.