y separately published work icon Literature and Aesthetics periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... vol. 15 no. 2 2005 of Literature and Aesthetics est. 1991 Literature and Aesthetics
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Manikin de Vini"They're all lined up under the lights", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 26)
Whisperi"Close by the bones of Joshua Blane", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 48)
Orphanagei"I was young and did not see", Anthony Stephens , single work poetry (p. 120-121)
Le Brame, Anthony Stephens , sequence poetry (p. 120-127)
The Stari"A thin runner, but swelling", Anthony Stephens , single work poetry (p. 122-123)
Shadowsi"When i put the soul-mill on", Anthony Stephens , single work poetry (p. 124-125)
Requimi"Long time asking your long silence:", Anthony Stephens , single work poetry (p. 126)
What the Anglican Saidi"I tell you: tension nested in the pockets of a star, pulling between", Anthony Stephens , single work poetry (p. 127)
Sortiei"and then comes the morning when it finally dawns on you", Toby Fitch , single work poetry (p. 166)
Inter Aliosi"intertwined aliens / you", Toby Fitch , single work poetry (p. 190)
The City as the Topos and the Habitus of Modernity in the Poetry of Michael Dransfield, Vrasidas Karalis , single work criticism
This article 'delineate[s] the various integrative ways through which ... [Dransfield's] poetry locates the individual within urban space and articulates a special sense of temporal identity to the writing 'I' in his verses' (p.217).
(p. 217-226)