Carey's Love Affair with Fakery single work   review  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 2006 Carey's Love Affair with Fakery
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Lives of Artists, Identities of Countries : Dependence, Displacement, Identity, and Australia in Peter Carey’s 'Theft' Jaroslav Kušnír , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Engaging with Literature of Commitment : The Worldly Scholar (Volume 2) 2012; (p. 245-256)
'After My Life as a Fake, Peter Carey, with his novel Theft, adds a new dimension to his themes of fakery, truth and lying. The novel reads as a combination of love story, detective novel, and thriller with a series of mysteries including an intricate plot which is further combined with and supplemented by another theme and symbolic level...' (From author's introduction 245)
Lives of Artists, Identities of Countries : Dependence, Displacement, Identity, and Australia in Peter Carey’s 'Theft' Jaroslav Kušnír , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Engaging with Literature of Commitment : The Worldly Scholar (Volume 2) 2012; (p. 245-256)
'After My Life as a Fake, Peter Carey, with his novel Theft, adds a new dimension to his themes of fakery, truth and lying. The novel reads as a combination of love story, detective novel, and thriller with a series of mysteries including an intricate plot which is further combined with and supplemented by another theme and symbolic level...' (From author's introduction 245)
Last amended 10 Apr 2006 16:17:39
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