Issue Details: First known date: 2004... vol. 8 no. 2 October 2004 of TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs est. 1997 TEXT : The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Is There a Need for Another Journal?, Nigel Krauth , Tess Brady , single work criticism
'With TEXT taking an increasingly international role, and with the number [of] submissions it receives multiplying, [the editors] suggest that there is a place for another Australian journal or for occasional collections of readings generated at grass roots level from individual or collective writing schools.' (The Authors)
The Higher Degree Research Journey as a Three-Legged Race, Brian Dibble , Julienne Van Loon , single work criticism
'This paper focuses on the relationship between Higher Degree Research candidates and their supervisors within the Creative Writing discipline .' (Introduction)
The Role of the Examiner: Scholar, Reviewer, Critic, Judge, Mentor, Jeri Kroll , single work criticism
The author looks at the role of the examiner in creative writing degrees.
Lives and the Writer's Pact, Claire Woods , single work criticism
'In this paper Claire Woods discusses the complexities she is discovering as she constructs a biographical narrative of her parents' lives, as an accompaniment to the editing of their letters and diaries - with the overlay of historical research because it is a narrative set during the two World Wars and draws on the primary artefacts as well as secondary sources.' ([Editors'] abstract)
Maps, Writing and Autobiography: Explorations in Ransomania, David Homer , single work criticism
It's the Other Who Makes My Portrait: Writing Self, Character and the Other, Inez Baranay , single work criticism
The author wrote an exegetical work for her PhD which examined the writing of her novel Neem Dreams. This article discusses some of the ways the text - both novel and exegesis - shaped her.
Fictional Fears and Guarded Facts : An Experience in Writing a Ficto-Historical Novel, Maria Simms , single work criticism
The Internationalisation of a Manuscript: Finding the Potent Generic, Donna Lee Brien , Tess Brady , single work criticism
'This paper addresses issues arising from working through the process of turning a manuscript ... [The Girl's Guide to Work and Life: How to Create the Life You Want (Brien & Brady, 2004)] originally written for an Australian readership into one suitable for international sales and distribution'. (Authors' introduction)
Neurolinguistic Programming and the Teaching of Creative Writing, Alice Mills , single work criticism
Cursors and Crystal Balls: Digital Technologies and the Futures of Writing, Hazel Smith , single work criticism
'In the following, I will discuss the shifting boundaries of the creative writer, and briefly summarise some of the developments which have been taking place in writing in the digital era. I will then talk about the way new technologies have shaped my own creative direction. ' (Author's introduction)
Sound AFFECTs : Friendship, Community, Bodies, Anne Brewster , Hazel Smith , Roger Dean , single work
The Very Next Room, Paul Morgan , single work short story
Against the Domestication of the Mind, Jennifer Webb , single work review
— Review of Explorations in Creative Writing Kevin Brophy , 2003 selected work criticism prose short story essay poetry ;
Commercial Realities, Donna Lee Brien , single work review
— Review of A Decent Proposal : How to Sell Your Book to an Australian Publisher Rhonda Whitton , Shelia Hollingworth , 2001 single work non-fiction ; Mission Possible: How to Make Money from Your Writing Rhonda Whitton , Shelia Hollingworth , 2002 single work non-fiction ;
Performance and Community: Four Young Melbourne Poets, Ali Alizadeh , single work review
— Review of She Wore the Sky on Her Shoulders Emilie Zoey Baker , 2003 selected work poetry ; Dinted Halos Angela Costi , 2003 selected work poetry ; The Velocity of Night Falling Dan Disney , 2003 selected work poetry ; Love Is the New Hate Sean Whelan , 2003 selected work poetry ;