Five girls ... one band ... and a dream of complete world domination ... Singer/dancers wanted for girl group . It all began with an ad in the paper. You could say it all began with Darryl, but there was no way he was going to be able to control the five girls he selected to be the vehicle for his popstar dreams. tyler, on the other hand, offers the five a chance to make a reality tV documentary series called Chasing the Dream. It's the early 1990s, and girl bands and reality television are new and exciting. the girls land a record deal, top the charts in Australia, then the UK, then on to America . Jules is the natural leader, outgoing, cheeky, bursting with energy and life. Claudia is the cruel and beautiful fashion queen. Ellie used to do competitive gymnastics. Now her obsessions need another outlet. Sam is the one who can actually sing, and writes songs (not that her songs are ever used . but that's another story). And Suzy is the girl next door, with her ponytails and optimism. Fivestar is funny, knowing, wise, tragic - and everything you ever dared to believe about the reality of celebrity, the world of pop music, and the price of fame.
Source: Publisher's blurb.