'Three great writers of the 20th century: a Jew, working and creating in Poland (Bruno Schulz), a Polish aristocrat working and living in Argentina (Witold Gombrowicz), and an Australian novelist and intellectual (Patrick White) meet in what could be Hell, Purgatory or Heaven... (or maybe, it's just a hotel room somewhere...). Schulz was killed by an SS officer on the street of Gombrowicz's motherland, Gombrowicz left his homeland precisely on the day his country was invaded by Hitler... he never came back and became a controversial and "naughty" émigré, Patrick White struggled throughout his life with a parochialism and mediocrity of his culturally isolated motherland... The play examines emotions related to the love of culture and the responsibility of an artist as an independent human being but also as a responsible citizen.'
http://www.sat.org.au/gobs_play.htm (Sighted 03/05/05)