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y separately published work icon Deep Sky single work   novel   science fiction  
Is part of Hellgate Mel Keegan , 2002 series - author novel (number 2 in series)
Issue Details: First known date: 2003... 2003 Deep Sky
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Six centuries in the future, Mankind faces our darkest struggles for survival, and our only allies are the last, fugitive remnants of the race long believed extinct...

'Neil Travers and Curtis Marin are back in action in the second volume of the HELLGATE series.

'While the Confederacy tries to use the DeepSky Fleet to crush the breakaway colonies, a handful of rebels may be the only force standing between the new human homeworlds and the shadowy enemy which almost exterminated the last race to whom these far-flung stars were home. The Resalq have survived ... but the threat is greater than ever. On one hand, the Zunshu strike out of Rabelais Space, also known as Hellgate. On the other hand, the government of Earth is determined to bring the unruly colonies back into line. Between the two, the humans of the frontier worlds and the last of the Resalq fight to survive, and the odds are against them. Nothing is what it seems, with allies within the Fleet and enemies among the Freespacers. And when Travers and Marin are assigned to the super-carrier Kiev on the Omaru blockade, all bets are off, and it’s every man for himself.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 21 Nov 2016 14:22:32