'The Kevleren dynasty rules both the Hamilayan empire and the kingdom of Rivald because they, and only they, can use the Sefid, the true source of all magic. But Wielding the Sefid comes at a terrible cost, the sacrifice of something loved.
'Hamilay's new empress, Lerena, no sooner ascends the throne than she is faced by the joint crises of an expansionist Rivald overseas and an unstable, love-spurned sister at home – whose influence with the Sefid is greater than any who have come before. Then a revolution in Rivald creates the greatest threat her family has ever faced, and the Kevlerens confront extinction at the hands of those they trusted most. (From the publisher's website.)
'After surviving battle and sorcery, the people of Kydan are divided among themselves and face civil war. Strategos Galys Valera and her allies must heal divisions and forge a united city in time to face the greatest threat of all, a rogue Kevleren prince bent on bloody revenge.
'Meanwhile, the Hamilayan empire itself faces a terrible conflagration as its empress, Lerena, pursues her destiny to become history's most powerful Wielder of the Sefid, the great well of magical power that underlies all creation. Even nations must fall before her ambition. (From the publisher's website.)
'In the new land, everyone works together to bring Kydan the wealth and strength it needs to survive the inevitable confrontation with the old world. Strategos Galys Valera believes the key to defeating the Hamilayan Empire is buried in the papers left behind by her dead lover, Kitayra Albyn ... but can it be found in time?
'Across the Deepening Sea, Empress Lerena Kevleren is forging her power base made from human sacrifice and her overwhelming control of the Sefid, the source of all magic, before turning her gaze on Kydan.
'This final confrontation between old and new, magic and freedom, and between empire and a growing nation state, will determine the fate of millions – not least the brave band of colonists who set out from Hamilay to settle Kydan with courage and hope in their hearts. (From the publisher's website.)