y separately published work icon Journal of Australian Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: JAS
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 81 2004 of Journal of Australian Studies est. 1977 Journal of Australian Studies
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
'Their Ultimate Absorption' : Assimilation in 1930s Australia, John Chesterman , Heather Douglas , single work criticism
Discusses the issue of Aboriginal assimilation with reference to Herbert's novel.
(p. 48-58, notes 205-208)
Beyond Orality and Literacy: Textuality, Modernity and Representation in Gularabulu: Stories from the West Kimberley, Michèle Grossman , single work criticism
'In a number of collaborative works of Indigenous life-writing, the historical and theoretical entanglements between orality and literacy ... the spheres of "talk" and "text" ... underwrite the limits and possibilities of such works as part of the broader project of contemporary cross-cultural representation. Paddy Roe's and Stephen Muecke's collaboration in Gularabula has been extremely influential in this field in Australia. Their work has shaped cross-cultural approaches to the genre since its publication in1983. This article revisits Gularabula in order to examine the relationship between talk and text in collaborative Indigenous/non-Indigenous works, and considers some critical responses to these efforts.' (p.59)
(p. 59-71; notes 208-210)
Innocent Convicts and Respectable Bushrangers : History and the Nation in Melbourne Melodrama, 1890-1914, Gabrielle Wolf , single work criticism (p. 73-81, notes 210-213)
From the Strand to Boorooloola : M. H. Ellis as Pioneer Motorist, Andrew Moore , single work criticism
Concentrating on Ellis's two accounts of road trips with Francis Birtles, this article explores 'some of the social and political context of motoring and car culture in the inter-war period. It also shows how Ellis's continuing obsessions, his conservative politics and his personality flaws ... were reflected in his motoring exploits.' (p.86)
(p. 83-92, notes 213-215)
Cathedral Pooli"We swim into the basilica-past a congregation", Barbara Temperton , single work poetry (p. 147)
Purli"If she wasn't knitting, she says,", Barbara Brandt , single work poetry (p. 148)
Rainbow Coasti"The feral women are in York Street,", Barbara Temperton , single work poetry (p. 149)
The Lighthouse Keeper's Wife : Excerpt 1i"She is at the edge.", Barbara Temperton , extract poetry (p. 150)
The Lighthouse Keeper's Wife : Excerpt 2i"The fisherman tastes the woman, her salty, sand-cloaked skin,", Barbara Temperton , extract poetry (p. 151)
Echidna Crossingi"Driving in the moonless dark, passing the overgrown Toodyay", Andrew Burke , single work poetry (p. 152)
'For Days I Have Watched In Wonder'i"for days I have watched in wonder", Andrew Burke , single work poetry (p. 153)
February Monochordsi"i can't throw teabags as far as i used to", Andrew Burke , single work poetry (p. 154)
Bellydance the Elementsi"big fat wind", Andrew Burke , single work poetry (p. 155)
Paddleri"memories mark time", Andrew Burke , single work poetry (p. 156)
Untitled, David Ritter , single work review
— Review of Death Sentence : The Decay of Public Language Don Watson , 2003 single work prose ;
(p. 159-160)
[Review] Beautiful, Unfinished, Stephen Lawrence , single work review
— Review of Beautiful, Unfinished : Parable/Song/Canto/Poem M. T. C. Cronin , 2003 selected work poetry ;
(p. 191-192)
Untitled, Mark Mahemoff , single work review
— Review of The Best Australian Poetry 2003 2003 anthology poetry ;
(p. 192-194)