The English Governess single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1895... 1895 The English Governess
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Station romance. Handsome Englishman Charles Stanley, owner of a Queensland station and heir to an English title, proposes to pretty honest Annie some months after returning from England where his rich and beautiful fiancee ahd refused to marry him because she did not want to live in Australia. Annie's happiness is short-lived. Her wealthy station family's new English governess Carry Benson proves to be Charley's ex-fiancee, reduced to poverty by her father's death. She attracts her old suitor, though ready to leave him for a richer one, and Annie nobly frees him from the engagement. She spends a few months in Melbourne, skillfully creating the illussion she is to marry someone else - he discovers Carry's falseness and Annie's true worth. She returns and despite her siblings' mischievous plots, she and Charley become engaged again. Miss Benson's schemes fail and she eventually marries a Melbourne merchant ... Bright cheery tale of family life. (PB)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 1895
Serialised by: The Australian Journal 1865 periodical (900 issues)
Serialised in two instalments in the Australian Journal 31.367 (December 1895) 147-154; 31.368 (January 1896) 205-212.
Last amended 29 Oct 2008 12:22:49
  • Queensland,
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