Singapore and Australia : Collaborators single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 2003... 2003 Singapore and Australia : Collaborators
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Complicities : Connections and Divisions : Perspectives on Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region Chitra Sankaran (editor), Rajeev S. Patke (editor), Liew-Geok Leong (editor), Berne : Peter Lang , 2003 Z1090893 2003 anthology criticism Publisher's blurb: 'The twenty-seven essays in this volume are the product of the Ninth Biennial Symposium on the Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region held in Singapore in December 1999. The contributions explore complicitous interactions between cultures, nations and people in the Asia-Pacific Region. Grouped into three sections of "Asia-Pacific Relations", "The Politics of Identity" and "Language, Gender and Empowerment", these essays examine selected texts form countries which include Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Micronesia.' Berne : Peter Lang , 2003 pg. 27-42
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    Southeast Asia, South and East Asia, Asia,
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