A tale of the contrasting lives of two schoolgirl companions: one, an orphan married to a rich brewer but childless is Fanny Robson. The other, Maud Verrage, herself an artist married to an artist has two children. The story opens in London, quickly moving to the mysterious acquisition of a baby from a park by Fanny, and the tragic loss of the same by Maud. The child is raised to be spoilt and wild by Fanny, but when her 'adoptive' father dies intestate her presumed right to his inheritance as his heir is challenged, and Fanny's love proves shallow when it appears she too inherits nothing. Myra flees from her now unloving 'mother' to the house of an old teacher who knew of her 'adoption' and who houses and trains her to be a better and more educated character. Myra continues to search for her family, particularly her mother, and eventually finds her though she soon after dies. She loses her youthful estranged love to the Catholic priesthood, but finds another and emigrates to Australia. Meanwhile, long-term friends are restored to their proper inheritance. (PB)