y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1869... vol. 4 no. 47 April 1869 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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* Contents derived from the 1869 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Last Shot, single work short story
The story of a duel long delayed between army officers. (PB)
(p. 459-461)
The Story of Abdulla, Tom Cringle , single work short story
An honest and charitable peasant gives his small wealth to the poor and he and his family are rewarded with riches. (PB)
(p. 462-464)
Beware!, Lilly Lee , single work short story
An attempted and a successful seduction of young women by a libertine.
(p. 478-479)
The Dog Days, Waif Wander , single work prose
The narrator observes mistreatment of dogs all over Melbourne for a period, and finally explains it by discovering a dog registration tax of five shillings. (PB)
(p. 482-484)
A Chapter on Boys, T. M. A. , single work prose
On the revivifying effects of boyish spirits. (PB)
(p. 484)
Two Scenes in One Life : Written from an Invalid's Sofa, single work short story
A young woman glimpsed in all her beauty and pride at Ems, Germany; and years later raving in the pain of unceasing neuralgia at her home in England. (PB)
(p. 485-486)
The Literary Wife, single work short story
Two male friends marry, Kirke Selwyn warning Henry Milward against a literary wife, but one year later it is her house that is best kept. (PB)
(p. 487-488)
On Precious Stones and Metals, Our Own Old Blade , single work prose
Faintly humorous description of the chief precious stones and metals. (PB)
(p. 488)
Elegant Eighteen and Sober Sixty, Mrs. Shields , single work short story
Only after financial ruin and their separation does Lawrence Severn truly trust his young wife's love for him. (PB)
(p. 490-492)
How I Got to the Ball, T. M. A. , single work short story
How a poor writer in Adelaide attends his brother-in-law's ball in disguise, and what he learns. (PB)
(p. 495)
Fire, W. W. , single work short story
The destruction of a prize vineyard and the murder of the master of the house - a murder designed to be hidden by a fire - are linked to the deformed nephew of the victim. (PB)
(p. 497-500)
Deserted Not Neglected : A Melbourne Sketch, single work prose
Deserted children of the Melbourne streets and their treatment by the state. Fictional accident provides the structure. (PB)
(p. 500-501)
Warren Ball : A Campaign Sketch Taken During the American War, An Ex-Officer , single work short story
The narrator is a member of the Pennsylvania volunteers on the march to Bull Run. On the way he stumbles across a lunatic inmate of a poorhouse and learns of the tragedy of romance and murder that placed him there. [Contains references to the Yarra River, Melbourne, in passing.] (PB)
(p. 506-507)
Notes of a Reader : A Long Story, single work short story
Anecdote concerning an Italian conteur or fable narrator employed to put a nobleman to sleep each night. Somewhat humorous. (PB)
(p. 510)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Includes the fourth instalment of Ruth Hall's 'The Bee', pp. 492-493.
Includes the nineteenth instalment of Nemo's 'Isabella of England : A Tale of the Olden Time', pp. 465-476.
Includes the first instlament of Charles de Boos' illustrated fiction, 'Fifty Years Ago : An Australian Tale', pp. 449-458. Commencement of Book 1.
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