y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1869... vol. 4 no. 49 June 1869 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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* Contents derived from the 1869 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
My Tiger Experiences, Tom Cringle , single work prose
Tiger attacks suffered in India, the second through an overdose of laudanum. (PB)
(p. 591-592)
The Key of the Street, Waif Wander , single work short story
Strange adventures of a young man seeking to change his lodgings in Melbourne. Strong ale, the theatre and a midnight chase intervene before he is restored to his proper place. (PB)
(p. 592-594)
A Visit to Sandy Bay with an Ideal Companion, S. H. Wintle , single work prose
Largely geological, biological and botanical account of a trip around Sandy Bay, Tasmania. (PB)
(p. 594-597)
Josephine's Aunt, single work short story
A young man's trial at a city railway station before he is rewarded with a promise of marriage. (PB)
(p. 598)
Death's Messages, single work short story
Brief retelling of a legend by the Brothers Grimm about the approach of death. (PB)
(p. 598)
Three Years of a Naval Officer's Life, single work short story
Narrative of a British sailor's adventures in hunting smugglers, seeking employment, assisting in a duel, sailing on the African coast and falling in love. Told in a tone of mixed high romance and matter-of-fact reminiscence. (PB)
(p. 602-605)
A Widow's Lament Over Her Dead Idiot Boyi"Since God hath pleased himself to take away His own,", J. K. H. , single work poetry (p. 606)
Paul du Chaillu on Snakes, Paul du Chaillu , single work prose
A French journalist's adventures in Africa with snakes. (PB)
(p. 606)
Five Foot Ten, T. M. A. , single work prose
On the ideal height of a man and the consequences thereof. (PB)
(p. 607)
A Night of Suspense, Primrose , single work short story
A wife's troubled night searching fruitlessly for the husband she believes drowned. (PB)
(p. 607)
Dead Man's Beat, W. W. , single work short story
Occurred when Mark Sinclair was in the Tasmanian police force (before he joined Victoria's force) - in HobartTown. A ghost haunting 21 Cooke Street leads to a husband murdered by his wife and mouldering in the cellar. (PB)
(p. 614-616)
Pistols for Two, Arthur James Ward , single work short story
Tale of a duel in Melbourne, and the narrator's salvation through the departure of his opponent for Sydney by steamship. (PB)
(p. 618-619)
Terragon Lodge, M. H. F. , single work short story
Romance of young Lucy Shipton and the mature Professor Stafford. Interrupted for a time by the attendance of a young doctor, the Professor's sister quickly provides her own remedy. (PB)
(p. 622-627)
Woman - Mark Twain's Opinion, Mark Twain , single work prose
Speech by Twain in response to a toast to Woman at the annual banquet of the Washington Correspondent's Club on 12 January 1869. Humorous. (PB)
(p. 627)
The Soldier's Mother (A Tale of the First French Empire), single work short story war literature
In 1809, on the eve of departing for battle in Austria, a brave French soldier deserts. Several months later on the eve of his execution he admits it was for love of his mother, and Napoleon revokes his sentence of death, bidding him to be as faithful to his mother France. (PB)
(p. 628-629)
The Pork Supper, T. M. A. , single work short story
Eating pork leads to a dream of pigs and the end of an Australian friendship of the road. (PB)
(p. 629)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Includes the sixth instalment of Ruth Hall's 'The Bee', pp. 619-622.
Includes the third instlament of Charles de Boos' illustrated fiction, 'Fifty Years Ago : An Australian Tale', pp. 577-590. Commencement of Book 2.
Last amended 20 Jan 2004 15:20:44