Issue Details: First known date: 2003... vol. 11 no. 3 Spring 2003 of Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults est. 1993 Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults
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* Contents derived from the , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Lucky Man, Scot Gardner , single work autobiography (p. 5-6) Section: Perspective
Fiction Prediction and my Antarctic Terrorist, Hazel Edwards , single work column (p. 7) Section: Perspective
Literary Explorers, Susan La Marca , single work criticism (p. 8-9) Section: Perspective
Abyssinia by Ursula Dubosarsky, Nicola Williams , single work criticism (p. 11) Section: Feature
The Reading Bug by Paul Jennings, Janet Scull , single work criticism (p. 13) Section: Feature
Nips Go National by Ruth Starke, Moira Robinson , single work criticism
— Review of Nips Go National Ruth Starke , 2003 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 18-19) Section: Feature
Black Taxi by James Moloney, Stella Lees , single work criticism (p. 19) Section: Feature
One Night by Margaret Wild, Bernadette Welch , single work criticism (p. 20) Section: Feature
Angels and Rats, Raymond Huber , single work criticism (p. 21) Section: Feature
Invisible Girl Stories by Glynn Parry, Anna Cutler , single work criticism (p. 24) Section: Feature
Eva's Angel by Garry Disher, Anna Ryan-Punch , single work criticism (p. 28-29) Section: Feature
Hot Hits : The Remix by Bernie Monagle, Jacinta Perry , single work criticism (p. 32) Section: Feature
Nights in the Sun by Colin Bowles, Mario La Marca , single work criticism (p. 33) Section: Feature
Tasmanian Tragedies, Virginia Lowe , single work criticism (p. 34-35) Section: Feature
The Loser's Club by Carol Jones, Geraldine Mackey , single work criticism (p. 36-37) Section: Feature
Zenna Dare by Rosanne Hawke, Katharine England , single work criticism (p. 38-39) Section: Feature
Untitled, Jodi Partridge , single work review
— Review of Gracie and the Emperor Errol Broome , 2002 single work novel ;
(p. 42) Section: Booknotes
[Review] Jessie, Anna Ryan-Punch , single work review
— Review of Jessie Mike Carter , 2003 single work novel ;
(p. 42) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Emily Meldrum , single work review
— Review of The Lighthouse Kids Diana Chase , 2002 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 43) Section: Booknotes
Untitled, Elizabeth Braithwaite , single work review
— Review of The Earthborn Paul Collins , 2003 single work novel ;
(p. 43-44) Section: Booknotes