y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1894... vol. 29 no. 347 April 1894 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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* Contents derived from the 1894 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Barbara Vickers, Grosvenor Bunster , single work short story romance
Melbourne romance between a handsome Irish adventurer and a sallow, intelligent rich widow. She engages herself to a rich man, seeking a husband free of mercenary motives - but the Irishman assaults him in their club when he insults the widow, and happiness follows. Pleasant, bright and humorous. (PB)
(p. 418-420)
The Spirit of His Dream, Rob. St. Jeans , single work prose
Spirit romance. An old man's reunion with his dead wife, Agnes, in a dream on the seashore of a fishing town. He is found dead. (PB)
(p. 420)
The Story of an Artist, Nina Picton , single work short story
Paris romantic tragedy. An artist falls in love with a beautiful girl he engages as a model and after a brief marriage she dies. He soon follows her - but his picture lives on. Competent. (PB)
(p. 431-432)
More About Mus Decumanus, Esq : A Story for Children, Thos Christie , single work short story
Juvenile tale of grandfather rat and his family. He tells them of a love affair as a boy rat with a circus tightrope rat, attending every performance, sending her rat poetry, and finally fainting when he discovers she is married. Lively tale, romantic ending. (PB)
(p. 433-436)
The Story of a Diamond Swindle, single work prose
Crime confidence trick on a jeweller and a physician skilled in mental disorders by a lady who orders diamonds to be paid for by him ... The physician believes the jeweller to be mad, and the jeweller believes the physician is to pay him. (PB)
(p. 445)
Calla Lillies, Rose Hartwick Thorpe , single work short story romance
US romance of a recluse disturbed by Easter tourists in his Pacific coast home - and his reunion with his intended bride of 10 years before, through her child. Basic sentimental tale - a heart meant for love finds it, etc. (PB)
(p. 446)
Long Lead, W. W. , single work short story
Long Lead diggings. One of three mates accuses simple Bob Dyce of working their claim at night for his own profit. In fact Bill Gilbert is trying to cast suspicion from his own intentions to steal the gold and abscond. Bob's secret wife Margaret inteferes with Bill's plans, and is injured by him; but Bob's dog and his friends prevent serious injury. Bill was an escaped homicidal maniac eluding recapture. (PB)
(p. 453-457)
Crossing the Billabong, Vanity , single work short story
Bush tale. Two shearers returning to Victoria from NSW decide to cross a swollen billabong rather than ride 10 miles further to the bridge. One is nearly caught in the reeds but thoughts of his new found love urge him to safety at his last attempt. Sketch-like; characters more important than action. (PB)
(p. 458-459)
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul, single work short story
Account of the Russian Emperor Paul's despotic humiliation of a court favourite who dares to jest at his expense - a simulated journey to Siberia and execution. Moral tale; very slight. (PB)
(p. 459)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Includes the final instalment of 'Morna Dale; Or, The Guardian's Forgery', pp. 421-430.
Includes sixth instalment of Mrs Boulter's serial fiction, 'Renira, the Blacksmith's Daughter', pp. 407-414.
Includes seventh instalment of serial fiction 'The Old Life's Shadows', pp. 437-445.
Includest the first instalment of Robert P. Whitworth's serial fiction, 'A Perfect Day', pp. 447-452.
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