y separately published work icon Cordite Poetry Review periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2003... no. 12 2003 of Cordite Poetry Review est. 1997 Cordite Poetry Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Bat and Balli"you can take anything into your vision time", Michael Farrell , single work poetry
The Sultan of Swati"Waking, wiping a cheese crust", Liam Ferney , single work poetry
Give it a Tryi"Where's the railway station, mate?", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Sunday Bloody Sundayi"Hot Sunday hot oven", Tim Sinclair , single work poetry
Set Freei"Beside water", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Sonny Rollinsi"roll on heavy roller", Nick Whittock , single work poetry
Soul v. Bodyi"Bout after bout I fight my body", Jordie Albiston , single work poetry
Following the Gamei"lime cordial summers", Cate Kennedy , single work poetry
There Thereaboutsi"away putting it into the breeze hed", Michael Farrell , single work poetry
Toen : Tonei"look at", Jayne Fenton-Keane , single work poetry
Seoul Survivori"my saison en enfer and the get rich", Liam Ferney , single work poetry
Brett Leei"dropped dropping into", Nick Whittock , single work poetry
Paul Mitchell Reviews Geoff Goodfellow, Paul Mitchell , single work review
— Review of Poems for a Dead Father Geoff Goodfellow , 2002 selected work poetry ;
Untitled, Peter Savieri , single work review
— Review of Going Down Swinging no. 20 2002 periodical issue ;
Untitled, Cassie Lewis , single work review
— Review of Search Engine Ted Nielsen , 1999 selected work poetry ;
Untitled, Richard King , single work review
— Review of Papertiger : New World Poetry no. 2 2002 periodical issue ;
Untitled, Adam Ford , single work review
— Review of Dog Lovers' Poems : A Collection of Prose and Verse 2000 selected work poetry prose ;
Wrapping Up the Innings, Paul Mitchell , single work column
Comments on the experimental nature of Cordite no.12 that allowed for postings after the 1 March launch of the issue.
Should We Change Our Name?, Paul Mitchell , single work column
Cover Me [Borrowed Title], Laurie Duggan , single work criticism
Duggan comments on the issue of using another writer's words, noting that 'it's in the nature of poetry that sampling, covering, or borrowing, conscious or unconscious happens all the time'.