The issue includes A Thylazine Guest Editorial by Elaine Schwager; Sighting by John Kinsella; The Poetry of MML Bliss selected by Coral Hull; The City is the Art that We Have Built by Coral Hull; To be an English-Speaking Chinese? by Ouyang Yu; Twelve Australian Poets At Work selected by Coral Hull; Museum of Silence: Photography by Melita Dahl; The Poet as Fraud: A Composite by Stephen Oliver; Working with Coral Hull on Zoo by John Kinsella; The Poetry of Tony Birch selected by Coral Hull; and Ten Australian Poets Series 3: Brett Dionysius, Chris Mansell, Ouyang Yu, Pam Brown, Subhash Jaireth, Jill Jones, Kim Downs, Jayne Fenton Keane, Trevor Poulton, Colleen Burke.
2001'"Astonishingly fecund and inventive. The New Arcadia revitalizes pastoral traditions, but more in the mode of lamentation than celebration. Like Frost's New Hampshire and Vermont, Kinsella's Western Australia is eroded, a last act salted with the ruins of our age, and yet yielding permanent poems."-Harold Bloom' (Publication summary)
Fremantle : Fremantle Press , 2005 pg. 86-87