The Quentaris Chronicles is a fantasy series set in the magical city of Quentaris. A thriving, bustling city at the mouth of the Great River where it runs into the Lonely Sea, Quentaris is nestled against the Rift Cliffs, the source of the city's wealth and the object of much envy from the neighbouring city states of Hadran, Simesian, Tolrush, and Brunt. The Rift Cliffs contain the rift caves, a network of unknown numbers of caves. Inside these caves are the myterious rifts, shifting gaps in the fabric of the world of Quentaris. These rifts lead to other worlds, and are eagerly explored by adventurers and merchants, eager for riches and trade. Too often, however, they find danger and peril, but to risk all is to win much!
The series comprises individual, stand-alone books by different writers, with the overall concept managed by Michael Pryor and Paul Collins. Each of the stories tells of this city of infinite variety. Full of magic, mystery, and adventure, they explore Quentaris and its people and brings to you stories of peril and triumph, quests and discoveries, heroes and villains.