Issue Details: First known date: 1914... 1914 The Homecoming : A Crisis in the Affairs of Danny Baughan
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First known date: 1914
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Brand of the Wild and Early Sketches Vance Palmer , Verona : Universita di Verona. Dipartimento di Anglistica , 2002 Z1000377 2002 selected work short story novella Includes a serialised novel and 19 sketches published in the Sunday Chronicle (Manchester) between 1911 and 1914. Most of the sketches are gently ironic observations of the small snobberies, vanities and human frailties of working- class and lower middle-class English society. Verona : Universita di Verona. Dipartimento di Anglistica , 2002 pg. 178-180
  • Liverpool, Merseyside,
    United Kingdom (UK),
    Western Europe, Europe,
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