Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 A Fringe of Papers : Offshore Perspectives on Australian History and Literature
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Menzies Centre for Australian Studies , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Lady Digger and a Few "Drunk and disorderly nights" : The Intrusion of Romance in Ellen Clacy's A Lady's Visit to The Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-1853, Debbie Zeraschi , single work criticism (p. 31-48)
Naked Truths and "Long Involved Lies" : Nationality and Belonging in Such Is Life, Stephen Cowden , single work criticism
"This essay considers whether Homi Bhaba's notion of 'Mimicry' sheds any light on the discourse of Nation in Furphy's Such Is Life, or on what postcoloniality might mean in an Australian context" (63).
(p. 63-72)
Identifying Miles Franklin : Suffragette, Playwright, Failure?, Susan Pfisterer , single work criticism
'The questions that form the basis of this essay are concerned with how Franklin negotiated her place as a woman in the early twentieth century as a professional, as a socialist, as a suffrage feminist, and as an Australian expatriate playwright' (74).
(p. 73-86)
'The Bee in the Hive' : Women and Knowledge in Patrick White's The Tree of Man and A Fringe of Leaves, Julie Mullaney , single work criticism
Examines the construction of woman and the status of her knowledge within the pre-pastoral, pastoral, and anti-pastoral worlds evoked in the two novels by White.
(p. 87-105)