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Issue Details: First known date: 2000-... 2000- CrossLines
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:, version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Daybook for Eurydice, Robert Adamson , sequence poetry
Out On the Streeti"Out on the street", Robert Balas , single work poetry
Crawl Across the Mooni"So you crawl across the moon", Robert Balas , single work poetry
Cross Purposesi"Three men argue over", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Disgracelandi"My litter of little vices", Les Wicks , single work poetry
Justine Light from Beyond : Justinei"Learning to whisper in borrowed voice, Hold me,", Peter Boyle , single work poetry
Note: With title: Justine
Imagine it Mesh in One Placei"A million memories of childhood", Simm Steel , single work poetry
The Day Shift (Kings Cross 13.11.97)i"in Fitzroy Gardens an ibis pries open", Angelika Fremd , single work poetry
Shelter for the Homelessi"the council proposes to", Angelika Fremd , single work poetry
Street Kidsi"Plants grew tall,", Dawn Bruce , single work poetry
A Kind of Freedomi"In winter, iron-cold,", Dawn Bruce , single work poetry
Weekendi"It's Saturday night at the Cross.", Paula McKay , single work poetry
Saturday in Bayswater Roadi"it is not the hot noise the street that tangy noise through its", Ruark Lewis , single work poetry
Poetry and Paperbarksi"All down the street, paperbarks strip off their long brown swathes.", Martin Harrison , single work poetry
Working Girli"those trashy clothes", Jean Frances , single work poetry
Flash, Les Wicks , single work short story
Darlinghurst Goal (1841), Catherine O'Carrigan , single work short story historical fiction
[Untitled], Elizabeth Kelly , single work review
— Review of Miles Walker, You're Dead Linda Jaivin , 1999 single work novel ;
[Untitled], Elizabeth Kelly , single work review
— Review of Dreamtime Alice : A Memoir Mandy Sayer , 1998 single work autobiography ;
[Untitled], Elizabeth Kelly , single work review
— Review of 15 Kinds of Desire Mandy Sayer , 2001 selected work short story autobiography ;