The Event of the Century single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 1998... 1998 The Event of the Century
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Unwritten Histories Craig Cormick , Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 1998 Z379477 1998 selected work short story prose

    'In this witty and satirical revisiting of Australia’s heroic past, Craig Cormick rediscovers the contributions of Indigenous Australians that have always remained unrecorded and unacknowledged, Australia’s unwritten histories.'

    'Drawing on original records of the time, he has turned the spotlight away from its traditional focus to illuminate those whom history has forgotten. Great explorers, teachers, warriors and dreamers, who were there when Banks first saw a Banksia or when explorers Burke and Wills staggered on from Coopers Creek, but they have vanished simply because their stories were unrecorded.'   (Publication summary)

    Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 1998
    pg. 101-107
  • c
    United Kingdom (UK),
    Western Europe, Europe,
  • 1868
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