'In the Mirror is about Shaun a white Australian who comes from a broken, poor working-class family, Virginia who has fled her war turn, repressive and despotic government that control her country to live in a free, democratic and peaceful society who are desperately looking for proper jobs. It is also about indifferent, detached and narcissists Paula and Paul and how they abuse their power toward Shuan and Virginia in the interviews they conduct with them, as well as their junior colleague Hendro, a second-generation migrant who dreams and aspires to become like them.'
Source: La Mama Theatre (2020 production).
Produced at La Mama, Melbourne, August 2002.
Director: David Everist.
Scheduled for production by La Mama Theatre at La Mama Courthouse, 9-14 June 2020.
Director: Mammad Aidani.
Production postponed, but not initially cancelled, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Produced at La Mama Courthouse, 15 - 20 June 2021.
Director: Mammad Aidani.
Cast: Helen Doig, Scott Welsh, Sahra Davoodi, Mark Tregonning and Zachary Kazepis.
Producers: Cherian Jacob Payyapali and Cicero’s Circle.
(Publication abstract)
(Publication abstract)