Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 'A World of Our Own' : Thea Astley and National Shadows
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Australian Nationalism Reconsidered : Maintaining a Monocultural Tradition in a Multicultural Society Adi Wimmer (editor), Tubingen : Stauffenburg Verlag , 1999 Z971792 1999 anthology essay criticism Essays and critical articles arranged in five sections: Nationalism: Some Theoretical Perspectives; Nationalism and Australian Popular Culture; Nationalism: Responses by Writers and Poets; (Not) Maintaining the National in Fiction and Autobiography; The Rhetoric of Nationalism. These papers were first presented at the 4th EASA (European Association for Australian Studies) Conference held at Klagenfurt University in September 1997. Tubingen : Stauffenburg Verlag , 1999 pg. 162-171
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