Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Songs of the Last Chinese Poet: Introduction
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Songs of the Last Chinese Poet Yu Ouyang , Broadway : Wild Peony , 1997 Z516663 1997 sequence poetry The author has descibed this numbered sequence of 97 untitled poems as 'a metaphysical and postmodern attempt to probe into issues of colonization and self-colonization, change of identities in a new country as a bilingual writer, death as a way of imagination and exorcization, and dark Chinese humor as a send-up of what one sees as the flashy but cheap trappings of an Australian read Western civilization, all in a heightened awareness of the approaching demise of the twentieth century'. Broadway : Wild Peony , 1997 pg. ix-xii
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