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y separately published work icon Voice of the Demon single work   novel   fantasy  
Is part of Book of Elita Kate Jacoby , 1998-2000 series - author novel (number 2 in series)
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 Voice of the Demon
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

The Enemy, the Ally and the Angel of Darkness have been named... and the prophecy of the Key is coming to pass, promising chaos and destruction for Lusara and its people. The Enemy is Robert Douglas, Earl of Dunlorn and now Duke of Haddon, banished from the Enclave by the Key, for he will neither bow to the will of the ruling council, nor will he use his sorcerous powers to overthrow the usurper King Selar. But he cannot rest content at Dunlorn, for his reckless brother Finnlay, believed dead by most of Lusara, has left the sorcerer's hidden colony and is headed straight for trouble. The Ally is Jenn, now returned to her family at Elita and learning to live the life of a noblewoman, whilst using her own powers secretly to help those disobeying the Guilde's punitive new laws. Then Lusara's Queen asks her aid, and Jenn must once again call on Robert and the Bond they share. And the Angel of Darkness masquerades as a Guilde Alderman, using his position close to the King to foment his own malevolent plans for Lusara - and the Ally. A sorcerer of immense power, descended directly from the maker of the Key and the Word of Destruction, he seeks both artefact and spell, the one to enhance his own powers, the other to wield... Caught against the human face of prophecy, the Enemy, the Ally and the Angel of Darkness must each face their own greatest weaknesses. Kate Jacoby

Australian Popular Medievalism

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Reference: Indirect
Importance: High


  • Dedication: In memory of Ian Gunn
  • Epigraph:

    Where once the glorious pennant flew
    and brilliant trumpet hailed the dawn,
    the dread usurper defiled our spirit
    and left no place for peace to hide.
    Where graceful spire and buttress arched
    o'er the tranquil holy place
    rapaciously and brutally the cursed serpent
    cut down Lusara's pride.

    from Battle of Shanogh Anar
    by Thomas McKinnley

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Gollancz ,
      1999 .
      image of person or book cover 5050826722263785676.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 478p.
      ISBN: 0575067810(pbk.), 0575065257 (hbk.)
    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Millennium ,
      2000 .
      image of person or book cover 3429390219791307116.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 478p.
      ISBN: 1857989260 (pbk)
Show 1 more publication of this version

Works about this Work

[Untitled] Bill Congreve , 2001 single work review
— Appears in: Aurealis : Australian Fantasy & Science Fiction , no. 27-28 2001; (p. 222-227)

— Review of Inheritance Simon Brown , 2000 single work novel ; Exile's Return Kate Jacoby , 1998 single work novel ; see more review subjects
[Untitled] Bill Congreve , 2001 single work review
— Appears in: Aurealis : Australian Fantasy & Science Fiction , no. 27-28 2001; (p. 222-227)

— Review of Inheritance Simon Brown , 2000 single work novel ; Exile's Return Kate Jacoby , 1998 single work novel ; see more review subjects
Last amended 26 Mar 2020 09:27:38
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