y separately published work icon The Crossing : An Anthology of Australian Adolescence anthology   extract   young adult  
Issue Details: First known date: 1980... 1980 The Crossing : An Anthology of Australian Adolescence
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Sydney, New South Wales,:Angus and Robertson , 1980 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Cousin From Fiji, Norman Lindsay , single work extract (p. 1-7)
The Passage, Vance Palmer , single work extract (p. 8-13)
The Wrong Turning, Henry Handel Richardson , single work short story (p. 14-17)
The Thundering Good Today, J. M. Couper , single work extract (p. 18-21)
The Man Who Loved Children, Christina Stead , single work extract novel (p. 22-28)
Ash Road, Ivan Southall , single work extract (p. 29-39)
The Silver Ring, Pauline Watson , single work short story young adult (p. 40-44)
The Bridge Pool, Graham Sheil , single work short story (p. 45-53)
The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea, Randolph Stow , single work extract (p. 54-60)
Discovery, Manning Clark , single work short story (p. 61-71)
All the Rivers Run, Nancy Cato , single work extract (p. 72-75)
My Brother Jack, George Johnston , single work extract (p. 76-86)
A Descant For Gossips, Thea Astley , single work extract (p. 87-91)
The Education of Young Donald, Donald Horne , single work extract (p. 92-95)
The Queenslander, Robert Macklin , single work extract (p. 96-103)
A Lifetime On Clouds, Gerald Murnane , single work extract (p. 104-116)
The Boys in the Island, Christopher Koch , single work extract (p. 117-122)
The Harp in the South, Ruth Park , single work extract novel (p. 123-129)
The Mango Tree, Ronald McKie , single work extract (p. 130-138)
Wild Cat Falling, Colin Johnson , single work extract (p. 139-144)