Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 Australien : Eine interdisziplinare Einfuhrung
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

Responding to a growing European interest in Australia, this scholarly German collection aims at offering an introduction to Australia and its culture for students, academics and researchers as well as interested travellers. The 19 contributions, written by academics working in the field of Australian studies, deal with various aspects of Australia, such as geography, natural environment, history and politics, indigenous issues, economics, language, film and music.

The sections on Australian literature, with contributions by Horst Priessnitz, Rudolf Bader, Annegret Maack, Marion Spies, and Albert-Reiner Glaap, trace trends and developments in Australian fiction, poetry and drama. All contributions are in German; they all include bibliographical information for further reading and research.


  • Translation of Australien : Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung: Australia: An interdisciplinary introduction


* Contents derived from the Trier,
Western Europe, Europe,
WVT : Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Literatur im Australian des 19. Jahrhunderts : 'White Words, Black Page', Horst Priessnitz , single work criticism (p. 271-295)
Australische Literatur zwischen 1901 und 1945, Rudolf Bader , single work criticism (p. 297-317)
Erzahlliteratur in Australien seit 1945 : 'helping to people a barely inhabited country', Annegret Maack , single work criticism
'Erzählliteratur in Australien seit 1945' provides an overview of post-war Australian fiction.
(p. 319-341)
Australische Lyrik nach 1945 : "I used to love Keats, Blake; / now I try haiku", Marion Spies , single work criticism
The article provides an overview of Australian poetry in the second half of the 20th century, outlining some of its themes and developments.
(p. 343-367)
Einblicke in das moderne australische Drama und Theater, Albert-Reiner Glaap , single work criticism
The article provides an overview of Australian drama and its developments in the last part of the 20th century.
(p. 369-384)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Language: German
Language: German
Last amended 31 Aug 2004 10:30:02