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y separately published work icon The Writer in Australia : A Collection of Literary Documents, 1856-1964 anthology   criticism   biography   prose   correspondence  
Issue Details: First known date: 1969... 1969 The Writer in Australia : A Collection of Literary Documents, 1856-1964
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Oxford University Press , 1969 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Fiction Fields of Australia, Frederick Sinnett , single work criticism

'Frederick Sinnett (1830-1866) was a journalist, author and newspaper editor. Born in Germany, he emigrated to Australia as a young man. He joined a group who explored the Lake Torrens area near Adelaide, which he reported on in 1854 to the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science. He worked on many newspapers around Melbourne, including the Melbourne Morning Herald and General Daily Advertiser (later the Herald), and the Argus. He was the author of the first critical essay on Australian literature; The Fiction Fields of Australia (1856), and reported on the 1858 gold rush in Canoona; An Account of the "Rush" to Port Curtis, Including Letters Addressed to the "Argus" as Special Correspondent from the Fitzroy River (1859). He was a co-founder of the Melbourne Punch, the Daily News in Geelong and in 1862 he founded the Daily Telegraph in Adelaide and was its first editor. He also wrote An Account of the Colony of South Australia Prepared for Distribution at the International Exhibition of 1862 (1862).'  (Publication summary)

(p. 8-32)
Poems of the Late Adam Lindsay Gordon : Preface, Marcus Clarke , single work criticism (p. 33-37)
'Pursuing Literature' in Australia, Henry Lawson , single work autobiography
Henry Lawson reflects on the beginnings of his literary career, including the earliest appearances of his poems in the Bulletin. He also recalls some of the jobs that provided his day-to-day income.
(p. 71-79)
Henry Lawson's Poems, Alfred George Stephens , single work review
— Review of In the Days When the World Was Wide and Other Verses Henry Lawson , 1896 selected work poetry ;
(p. 80-82)
Lawson's Prose, Alfred George Stephens , single work review
— Review of While the Billy Boils Henry Lawson , 1896 selected work short story ;
(p. 82-85)
Lawson and Literature, Alfred George Stephens , single work (p. 85-87)
Lawson's Last Book : A Temporary Adjustment, Alfred George Stephens , single work criticism (p. 88-93)
Henry Lawson, Alfred George Stephens , single work criticism (p. 93-96)
Henry Lawson, Alfred George Stephens , single work criticism (p. 96-104)
On Publishing a Novel : A Correspondence, Joseph Furphy , Alfred George Stephens , single work correspondence (p. 117-127)
Untitled, Joseph Furphy , single work review
— Review of Such Is Life : Being Certain Extracts from the Diary of Tom Collins Tom Collins , 1897 single work novel ;
(p. 128-130)
Note: With title: A Review of Such Is Life.
Chris Brennan, Alfred George Stephens , single work criticism biography (p. 131-157)
An Australian National Art, Vance Palmer , single work criticism (p. 168-170)
Frank Wilmot (Furnley Maurice), Vance Palmer , single work biography (p. 171-190)
Letters from London, 1920-21, Louis Esson , single work correspondence (p. 191-199)
Extracts from a Private Journal, Nettie Palmer , extract autobiography
Extracts from 1927.
(p. 200-203)
Conditional Culture, Rex Ingamells , Ian Tilbrook , selected work criticism
An essay explaining the aims and methods of the Jindyworobak Movement. 'The purpose of this book is to show that the blossoming of a distinctive Australian culture depends on certain conditions...They are... 1. A clear recognition of environmental values 2. The debunking of much nonsense 3. An understanding of Australia's history and traditions, primaeval, colonial and modern.'
(p. 245-265)
The Image of Man in Australian Poetry, Vincent Buckley , single work criticism (p. 273-296)
The Upside-down Hut, Judith Wright , single work criticism (p. 331-336)