'The story begins six months after the end of Ferren and the Angel. Ferren and Miriael travel from tribe to tribe, encouraging the Residuals to join together in a Residual Alliance. They visit the tribe of the Nesters, who live near a mysterious City of the Dead, and the tribe of the Sea-Folk, who are at war with a flock of seagulls.
'Meanwhile, a terrifying new threat looms. A single Doctor marches in to take control of the Humen Camp at Bankstown. A giant in size, Doctor Saniette aims to become the sole worldwide leader of all Humen forces. He brings with him an army of Queen-Hypers and other newly developed secret weapons.
'Ferren and Miriael are helped by Kiet, a fierce young woman from the tribe of Nesters. Ferren is torn between his old feelings for Miriael and his new feelings for Kiet.
'Miriael herself is attracted to Asmodai, a beautiful male angel who visits her in secret. Asmodai offers to help Miriael reestablish contact with Heaven. He too shares a dream of cooperation between Heaven and the Residuals. The story builds up to a shocking revelation, a desperate rescue and a final confrontation with 'the white Doctor'.'
Source: Author's website.