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Colonial Australian Popular Fiction Digital Archive
y separately published work icon Tales of the Isle of Death (Norfolk Island) selected work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1898... 1898 Tales of the Isle of Death (Norfolk Island)
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  • Epigraph: Norfolk Island, one of the most beautiful spots in the universe ... the last region of crime and despair. - Archbishop Ullathorne.
  • These stories originally appeared in the columns of 'The Sydney Bulletin'. T.p.
  • Dedication: To the memory of Sir Charles Lilley.
  • B. G. Andrews asserts that John Norton, proprietor of the Truth newspaper, commissioned Warung to write 'Tales of the Island of Death', serialised in Truth in thirteen installments during 1897. The George Robertson volume consists of all but the last of the Truth series together with a new story, 'The Finding of Benson, Baronet'. The deleted story, 'His Father' was published in Half-Crown Bob and Tales of the Riverine. (Barry Andrews Price Warung (William Astley) (1976): 184; 'Introduction', Tales of the Convict System: Selected Stories of Price Warung ed. B. G. Andrews (1975): :xvii).
  • Author's Preface: As this volume is being prepared for the press, the announcement is made of the death of Sir Charles Lilley, Ex-Chief Justice of Queensland, and I am consequently deprived of the pleasure and honour of dedicating in his life-time, this volume to one whose public work both as a statesman and a judge must commend his name to the gratitude of many generations of Australians. Formal permission to inscribe a volume of my stories to Sir Charles was received some considerable time ago, and, in the letter conveying that permission, he was good enough to express his recognition of the essential truth and historical accuracy of my narratives of early Australian days. ... The Author. (vii-viii).


* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Swan Sonnenschein , 1898 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Fluctuations of Fergie, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 1-26)
The Revolt of Company B (I), 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 27-42)
The Revolt of Company B (II), 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 43-61)
The Flogging of Fergie, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 62-80)
Toulmin of Toulmin, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 81-109)
The Annihilation of Austin, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 110-126)
The Crime of Convict Cunliffe The Spread-Eagling of Convict Cunliffe, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 127-139)
Note: With title: The Crime of Convict Cunliffe
The Consequences of Cunliffe's Crime, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 140-167)
The Initiation of "Pine-Tree Jack" : A Story of "The Ring", 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 168-190)
Mrs. Taylor's "Letter Day", 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 191-206)
The Evolution of Convict Hendy, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 207-227)
The Whale-Boat Plot, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 228-254)
The Findling of Benson, Baronet, 'Price Warung' , single work short story (p. 255-272)


Toulmin of Toulmin 'Price Warung' , 1897 single work short story
— Appears in: Truth , 18 July 1897; (p. 3) Truth , 25 July 1897; (p. 7) Tales of the Isle of Death (Norfolk Island) 1898; (p. 81-109)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 30 Jun 2016 10:15:07
  • Norfolk Island, Australian External Territories,
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