'AT THE DAWN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM, when the corporate sponsors of greed, lunacy and prophylactics have gained priority seating with frequent flyer points, stand up comic LOLA FINKELSTEIN appears like Boadicea in a chariot with one missing wheel. Flipped out and fretful but perfectly pedicured, she confronts her opponents head on.
Should Lola trust the mysterious American with the coded smile, CHRISTOPHER PILLAR, who manages to lure her out of her perch and her G-string with whispers of a deal the State Premier has made with the Americans that will cost jobs and lives?
Thank god for SMOKEY TOPAZ, twenty stone of scarlet sequins and stilettos, Smokey's Syrian boyfriend FREDDY FARQOU, LAWRENCE THE LEATHER MASTER and MIMI TOMASEVICH, Bosnian survivor. Without them Lola would have to rely on her own imperfections. Together they slide with reckless gusto and the best low budget vodka into the sewer of the State Premier, whose allies are mostly rich, mostly vulgar and mostly very shady.' (Publisher's blurb)