Traditional Aboriginal Oral Literature single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1985... 1985 Traditional Aboriginal Oral Literature
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Aboriginal Writing Today : Papers from the First National Conference of Aboriginal Writers Jack Davis (editor), Bob Hodge (editor), Canberra : Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies , 1985 Z366596 1985 anthology criticism (taught in 1 units)

    'In February 1983 a significant event took place at Murdoch University - the first Aboriginal Writers' Conference. And, as the editors point out, no mere collection of papers can do justice to that historic gathering,. Nevertheless, anyone interested in Aboriginal writing - from its proud beginnings as an oral tradition through its exciting contemporary voice to the strong promise of its future - will want to read Aboriginal Writing Today.'

    'Faith Bandler gives a fascinating account of how she researched her novels. Catherine Berndt offers a sensitive analysis of oral literature and, as an added bonus, introduces three story tellers...Gerry Bostock describes the early days of black theatre and points out how Aboriginal drama fits into a long tradition of protest literature stretching back to classical Greek dramatists. Jack Davis provides a valuable overview of Aboriginal writing... and Kevin Gilbert discusses the policies Aboriginal writers have adopted and offers some provocative suggestions for future policies.'

    'Colin Johnson talks about the problems of trying to handle Aboriginal themes within white forms, whilst Cliff Watego continues the discussion with a penetrating analysis of Kath Walker's poetry. Finally, Bruce McGuinness and Denis Walker combine two formidable talents to talk about the politics of Aboriginal literature.'

    Canberra : Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies , 1985
    pg. 91-103
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