Issue Details: First known date: 2001... vol. 16 no. 3 July 2001 of Magpies : Talking About Books for Children est. 1986-1995 Magpies : Talking About Books for Children
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  • Contents indexed selectively.


* Contents derived from the 2001 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
An Evergreen Tree of Diabolical Knowledge, Jo Goodman , single work criticism (p. 9-13)
Jenny Wagner's Nimbin Stories, Kerry White , single work review
— Review of The Nimbin Jenny Wagner , 1978 single work children's fiction ; Return of the Nimbin Jenny Wagner , 1992 single work children's fiction ; see more review subjects
(p. 18-19)
Young Australians Reading: Have They Been Studied Once too Often?, Adrian Ashman , single work criticism
Assessment and analysis of report on reading habits of young adults. In Ashman's opinion, the scope of the report was adequate but still "...leaves much to be desired."
(p. 20-21)
Picture Books that Extend our Knowledge of Australian Flora, Fauna and Ecology, Barbara James , single work review
— Review of Aussiemaze Jane Bowring , 2001 single work picture book ; Yellow-Eye David Spillman , 2001 single work picture book ;
(p. 22-23)
[Review] Flash Jack, Jo Goodman , single work review
— Review of Flash Jack Maureen McCarthy , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 24) Section: Cover Book
[Untitled], Chloe Mauger , single work review
— Review of Brown Bread and Honey Pamela Allen , 2001 single work picture book ;
(p. 26) Section: Before School
[Review] Miss Wolf and the Porkers [et al], Joan Zahnleiter , single work review
— Review of Miss Wolf and the Porkers Bill Condon , 2001 single work [children's fiction ] ; Jaleesa the Emu Nola Kerr , Susannah Brindle , 2001 single work children's fiction ; see more review subjects
(p. 29) Section: Beginning Readers
[Review] Moving House [et al], Rayma Turton , single work review
— Review of Aussie Bites 1997 series - publisher ; Moving House James Moloney , 2001 single work children's fiction ; see more review subjects
(p. 29) Section: Beginning Readers
[Untitled], Margaret Phillips , single work review
— Review of Little Lunch Danny Katz , 2001 selected work children's fiction ;
(p. 29-30) Section: Beginning Readers
[Untitled], Joan Zahnleiter , single work review
— Review of Passing On Mike Dumbleton , 2001 single work picture book ;
(p. 30-31) Section: Beginning Readers
[Untitled], Noela Allen , single work review
— Review of The Time Fliers Judith Crabtree , 2001 single work picture book ;
(p. 31) Section: Beginning Readers
[Untitled], Russ Merrin , single work review
— Review of Blat Magic Michael Stephens , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 32) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Neville Barnard , single work review
— Review of Whacko! David Caddy , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 32) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Noela Allen , single work review
— Review of Alex Jackson : Grommet Pat Flynn , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 32-33) Section: Independent Readers
[Review] Adults Only, Lyn Linning , single work review
— Review of Adults Only Morris Gleitzman , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 33) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Neville Barnard , single work review
— Review of A Knight in Different Armour Penny Hall , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 33) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Barbara James , single work review
— Review of Roger Bacon Reporting Stephen Measday , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 34) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Sally Harding , single work review
— Review of Candle Iron Sally Odgers , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 34) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Alison Gregg , single work review
— Review of Feeling the Heat Mercy O'Meara , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 34-35) Section: Independent Readers
[Untitled], Noela Allen , single work review
— Review of Velvet Marguerite Hann Syme , 2001 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 35) Section: Independent Readers
Last amended 3 Feb 2004 14:37:29
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