'The Little Duck tells of Wally Byrnes, an outback character who discovered a rich copper field but was near to death from starvation and only managed to save himself by catching a little duck and eating it. Determined never to return to the spinifex country, he takes a ship to Sydney to enjoy a life of ease. It is now that he meets a “little duck” of a different type, and the effect of her presence on Wally’s future life is very neatly dramatised in this clever short play.'
Source: 'Radio Plays', ABC Weekly, 28 October 1950, p. 26.
First broadcast on ABC radio's Radio Repertory program, in a double bill with Walter Brooksbank's Pastures New, on 30 October 1950, from 7:30pm.
Producer: Dion Wheeler.
Produced on ABC radio (light programme) on 21 January 1951, from 8:30pm.
Producer: Dion Wheeler.
Cast includes Stewart Ginn (Walter Byrne), Colin Crane (Jack Rainey), Marcia Hart (Mps. Lansert), John D’Arcy (a steward), Tony Slocock (Ist voice), Richard Everard (2nd voice), and Denzil Howson (Scotch voice).