On the Eve of Disaster single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... 1992 On the Eve of Disaster
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Dreaming Swimmer : Non-Fiction 1987-1992 Clive James , London : Jonathan Cape , 1992 Z449710 1992 selected work poetry criticism prose satire humour

    ''He writes like a prophet and he can satirise folly in high places with a touch as elegant as Oscar Wilde ...There isn't a word wasted' Daily Mail 'A well-balanced show of wit, intellect and glorious observation' Sunday Times 'No one wields a joke more punchily than he does. And the wide capacity for warmth towards all sorts of experience - from Billy Connolly to Primo Levi - is impressively exemplary in our culturally divided and divisive times' Observer 'Very funny ...breathtakingly good literary essays. Mr James is excellent on television - when he is on it, or reviewing it' Sunday Telegraph 'James's hilarity is often a powerful support for his argument, but as well as vintage Jamesian japery there are many excellent things in this collection' New Statesman & Society'  (Publication summary)

    London : Jonathan Cape , 1992
    pg. 148-154
Last amended 28 Nov 2019 09:19:30
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