y separately published work icon Island periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... no. 83 Winter 2000 of Island est. 1990- Island
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* Contents derived from the , 2000 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Deckchair on the Titanici"Swag-bellied pendent canvas", Fay Zwicky , single work poetry (p. 21)
Pristina, Thomas Shapcott , single work short story (p. 22-32)
Everyday Ophelia Everyday Opheliai"In deep bathwater I am Ophelia mad from love", Kathryn Lomer , single work poetry (p. 33)
Note: With title: Everyday Ophelia
Too Yellow to Undoi"This heady time of year the wattles flood,", Philomena Van Rijswijk , single work poetry (p. 47-50)
Sisyphus and the Thunderstorm, Richard Yaxley , single work short story (p. 51-57)
Boys in Paini"Swaying through loftier air,", Stephen Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 58-59)
Changing Countries, Changing Focus, Tim Thorne , single work review
— Review of Changing Countries Margaret Scott , 2000 selected work autobiography short story criticism poetry ;
(p. 60-62)
Disencumberedi"Well beyond the point where it stops being true", Chris Andrews , single work poetry (p. 63)
Friendly Advicei"What I remembered about him was he had", Chris Andrews , single work poetry (p. 64)
The Mountain, the Bridge, Shelley O'Reilly , single work short story (p. 66-67)
Sister Spider The Canticle of Sister Spideri"This large, sedentary spider", James Charlton , single work poetry (p. 68)
Rainbow Lorikeetsi"They're like punks", John Foulcher , single work poetry (p. 69)
A Fish-Like Boat in a Water-Like Landscape, Bruce Roberts , single work prose (p. 70-79)
Bluenights, Ashlley Morgan-Shae , single work short story (p. 80-84)
I Want to See the World Beginning (for Louis, Aged Four)i"In the earthy world the first day is opening.", Peter Boyle , single work poetry (p. 85)
An End and a Beginning, Ted Sturges , single work short story (p. 86-91)
Joseph's Coati"Dubious gift", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry (p. 105)
II (from Illuminations)i"She loves a museum - let's do the tour", Geraldine McKenzie , extract poetry (p. 106)
VIII (from Illuminations)i"When asked to explain those dragonfly leaps", Geraldine McKenzie , extract poetry (p. 106)
A Sense of Direction, John Holton , single work short story

Far away from the ocean, Gerald finds a dead water bird that reminds him of his childhood town. His strange magnetic imbalance means that he has difficulty navigating, and magnetic instruments such as watches stop working around him, leaving him adrift in space and time and unable to hold down a job.

Feeling a kinship with the lost bird, he preserves its corpse and brings it to first a vet, then a university ornithologist to identify it. It turns out to be an Arctic tern. Gerald decides to have it preserved, and finds himself appreciating his life outside the clutches of space and time for the first time.

(p. 107-113)