'Set in the mythical country town of Jericho, the Villain of Flowers revolves around The Duke La Castro – a prominent orange farmer and pinnacle of the local community – andJack Baracoon – a young man who is returning home on the day of his brother’s marriage to the Duke’s only daughter – Gia.
'Angry and estranged from his brother – Bob and sister – Cindy – Jack carries around the scars left by the murder of both his parents, years before. The Duke would appear to be a generous family friend having taken care of the Baracoon children ever since the horrible tragedy. Until the day of the wedding – when Jack is visited by the apparition of his dead father – demanding vengeance against the man who killed both he and his wife – The Duke.'
Source: Anthony Crowley's website (http://www.antcrowleycreates.com/villainofflowers).
Produced By The National Institute Of Dramatic Art (NIDA), in 1994.
Produced by the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), in 1996.